Monday, July 31, 2006

Online Journal

well folks

So it is first of August..

if u r thinking about the speciality of this day, even i dont know.But lets make it special.

Guyz , i along with my friend are planning to launch an online journal from today which will consist of interesting articles which i hope will be of great use to evry kind of aspirant over here.Very soon once this becomes a success,we will also arrange for articles by some renowned personalities who have exceled in their own fields.

The articles can be mailed to me and can be on anything under the sun provided they are useful and thought proviking in some way or the other. Participation will be greatly appreciated,after all this is for excellence of our mother India.

Articles can be mailed to
And those all who are interested in receiving them also enrol yourself by mailing to the same id with subject "registration".

Together we excell..
warm regards

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please tell me it worked right? I dont want to sumit it again if i do not have to! Either the blog glitced out or i am an idiot, the second option doesnt surprise me lol. thanks for a great blog!